Quality Babysitting at your fingertips
In order to request a certified sitter please email Zack Crilley at easysitting4you@gmail.com or call Zack at 240-278-0657. Please be ready to give the following information.
1. What time the sitter should arrive.
2. What sitter you request. ( if you have not seen our sitter please visit Sitters)
3. Names and ages of children.
4. Your address.
5. Desired times.
6. Emergency phone number
7. If you would like text or email updates every 30 minutes. If so then the phone number or email address.
Please note that we require a minimum fee of $10 dollars an hour for babysitter.
Mothers helpers minimum fee is $5 an hour.
We also ask that you inform us as soon as possible.
Request a sitter