Meet Teddy (11),
Teddy is going into 6th grade, he is very friendly with children. His interests include swimming, sports, and fishing. Teddy is working on his certification with the Red Cross. Teddy is available for both Mothers helper and Babysitting. If you would like to request Teddy as a babysitter or mothers helper please state that in the email.
Quality Babysitting at your fingertips
Our sitters are all certified in caregiving. We currently have one sitter and one mothers helper that are ready to help you! If you are interested in becoming a sitter or mother's helper please contact Zack at or call 240-278-0657. Or go to Request a Sitter to see what you should put in you email.
Meet Zack (13),
Zack is excited to meet and play with your children! Zack is going to be in 8th Grade next year. Zack’s interests include sports, science, and reading. Like all of our babysitters, Zack has his certification to babysit. If you would like to request Zack to babysit your children please state that in the email.
Meet Christine (9),
Christine is enthusiastic to be a mothers helper. She is going into fourth grade, she is working on getting her certification. Her interests include reading, sports, and art. If you would like to request Christine as a mothers helper please state that in the email or phone call.
Request a sitter